My favorite fish is salmon, but not just any salmon; the best I have ever had, I got at a steak house..a chain steak house, no less. Longhorn Steak House. If you haven't had their salmon, you need to try it. People in the 'salmon know,' flock to this place.

Longhorn Steakhouse & Saloon Sweet Bourbon Salmon
Sweet Bourbon Marinade:
1/4 cup pineapple juice
2 Tlb. soysauce
2 Tlb. brown sugar
1 tsp. Kentucky Bourbon
1/4 tsp cracked blk pepper
1/8 tsp garlic powder
1/2 cup veg. oil
2-8oz. salmon fillets
2 tsp snipped chives
1. Combine juice, soysauce, br. sugar, bourbon, pepper and garlic in med. bowl. Stir to dissolve
and add the oil
2. Remove skin from fish. Place the fish in a shallow dish and pour the bourbon marinade over
them saving a little to brush on the fish as it cooks. (I use a ziplock bag to marinate my fish) ref
for at least an hour up to 3.
3. Preheat your grill
4. Cook fish for 5-7 mins per side and regularly brush fish with the marinade.
5. arrange fish and sprinkle with chives.
We ask for some of that Kentucky bourbon sauce on the side. I am telling you, this is heaven. Pure heaven. The stuff almost melts in your mouth.
Okay now that I've raved about Longhorn salmon, and did my duty by passing it on to you, I'm going to admit to a little secret. I, the mother who never took her kids out for fast food, the woman who proclaims that MacDonald's injects fat into their hamburgers to bring the weight up (the patty's and yours..) Yep, this fine lady who brings you this blog, has the potential for an addiction to a certain fast food. And this is it:

Captain D's deep fried fish. In my defense, I only get it maybe twice a year at best. I could eat it daily. But I restrain myself. This is the crispiest-on-the-outside, tender-and-moist-on-the-inside, fried fish you can get anywhere. God it's good. And tonight I had a hankering for it. So off I go to pick some up, along with cole slaw and sweet corn on the cob. When I get there, the place is almost empty..a rarity. I start to wonder if they're closed, but no..its just empty.
I give my order to the sweet little girl at the register, pay her and head to the counter that looks on to the open kitchen. I watch them cook, when suddenly a siren sounds, one that is exactly like a tornado siren.
In case you've never hear one, here's what they sound like. This one is from a town in north Alabama:
Now this siren goes off in Captain D's while I'm waiting for my food. That's a sound that can make a vampire's blood curdle. It'd brutal. I glance out of the window and notice the sun is shining. Huh? Just as I'm trying to decide if I should take the chance of making a fool out of myself by rolling into a fetal position on the floor and covering my head with my arms, the young busy cook runs over and pulls the french fry basket out of the oil and reaches up to turn the 'tornado siren' off.'
The siren is their french fry timer. And I am soooo glad I didn't roll into a ball on the floor, especially since a family of hungry people had entered the place just as the siren went off.
I glanced at the girl who was putting my meal together.
"I thought it was a tornado warning."
She looks at me like I'm nuts.
"Huh?" she asks. "What sounds like a tornado warning."
"Your french fry timer."
She just looks at me for a second or two with this terrifically puzzled look on her face.
It takes only a few minutes more and she brings the Styrofoam boxes with my food inside to the counter and sets it down next to a pile of place bags. She sticks out her hip and firmly plants a fist there. She looks to the left. She looks to the right. She looks at me.
"You mean to tell me I don't have a bagger??"
She is appalled. I want to tell her that if she simply shoved the boxes maybe two inches to her left, they would probably be pretty close to being bagged, but I don't.
"The other lady has customers." I point in the direction of the sweet little girl who is now ringing up the order for the family who came in during the tornado warning/french fry timer.
The meal assembler, or whatever her title might be, looks at me (again) like I'm nuts.
"Customers. Great."
She puts my order in a bag and hands it to me.
Life is just full of interesting doings..