Sunday, May 16, 2010

The G Rated Post; (for the Faint Hearted)

For those of you who found the previous post to be too tasteless to read, I wanted to include this video so you have something to look at during your visit here.


  1. Seriously, isn't that music used in porn flicks?

  2. ...not that I'm like this big expert on porn flicks...

  3. Nature is wonderful but I don't know about the music, seemed a little weird to me, for that vid anyway.

    Porn flicks? Ah, soft porn is okay if a woman isn't a prude, it's like booze, a leg spreader.

  4. but doesnt that music sound like the stuff they use on those soft porn flicks? I swear it is.

  5. Hahahahaha!! You totally cracked me up with that! I sat here and really laughed out loud.

  6. but doesnt that music sound like the stuff they use on those soft porn flicks? I swear it is.

    Hell in the hell would I know? I've never been with a woman that would watch them with me and it's not that exciting watching them alone so I never paid any attention to the frigging music. :-)

  7. I wouldnt know about Porn flicks since I dont watch them anyway..LOL.. but have to agree the music just didnt match the magic of nature..

  8. Call me when you can. I need a fellow female to talk to.

  9. Will phone you shortly, Nana. xoxo

  10. tweetey, have you never seen a porn flick? I've seen a few (years ago) but then saw one that totally grossed me out and never watched another. But the music was similar to that in this nature video.


Go ahead, you can do it! Just whistle if you want me. You know how to whistle, don't you? You just put your lips together and BLOW....

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